Protecting Albertans from Inflation

It has been a generation, but inflation is back. What once used to preoccupy Main Street and Bay Street is now once again a real concern for all Albertans.

Inflation is generally understood as the rise in the price of goods and services in our economy. A generation of Albertans have understood that inflation would rise each year, at roughly 2 per cent. However, we are now in a new inflationary era, and decisions made by the UCP government have made a bad situation worse.

After a prolonged discussion in the previous era of high inflation, a policy consensus emerged at the turn of the century: government’s in Canada would index the income tax system to account for inflation each year.

Read our full report to see how we can make life a little bit more affordable. 

We will inflation-proof your budget, by giving you back more of your income taxes and more in benefits at the same rate as inflation. - Shannon Phillips Finance Critic

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