Engage & Share Your Ideas

We Want to Hear from You

Alberta's Future is a discussion about the province's economy that involves all Albertans.

All of our ideas to grow the economy will be built around five principles:

  • Job security for Albertans;
  • Equity and inclusion of all Albertans;
  • Diversification as a priority;
  • The recognition of the role of the Public Service in growing the economy; 
  • And the rejection of a race to the bottom.

We want to hear from you.

Do you have a burning idea on how to build our economy for the future?

Do you think we've missed a critical sector that requires further consideration?

Do you just want to get involved in some way, shape or form?

Send us a message or write a proposal of your own. You can attach images, PDFs and more as well.

We look forward to hearing from you!


5th Floor Edmonton Federal Building - 9820 107 St NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1E7

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